Today marks the official first day of Autumn. We can feel it already in the cooler evenings and bright, crisp days. This is the best time of year to plant perennials and shrubs. The ground has been warmed all year and will continue to be just right for good root growth. The cooler temperatures help too; the break from the heat helps things perk up, plus the ground is not as quick to dry up. That said, of course, new plantings need water, so make sure you make note of the rain, and give long, slow drinks in dry periods.
Arrived fresh in our shop this week:
Lots of pansies, mums, red lettuce, red mustard, Redbor Kale, 'Citronelle' Heuchera, Lavender, Rosemary, and more. All of these make interesting fall and winter planted arrangements. We'll be adding more in the next few weeks, we also got some evergreen shrubs just the right size for arrangements, so we are ready to help you spruce up your planters for some fall color and interest.